Social Media Status

3 min readApr 11, 2023


Apart from Google reviews, one major aspect of your online reputation is your social media status. Status is status no matter what. For example, if your company produces an advertisement that people dislike, they’ll remember your organization just because they didn’t like the advertisement, the point is they’ll remember you, and will try your product or service. Make sense? Let’s dive into some ways you can elevate your company’s status, increasing website views and sales.

Responding to Reviews and Comments

Get the most reward for your efforts on social media. Currently, you might be exerting lots of hours of effort to finely tune advertisements to be posted on social media accounts, but you know what’s going to have a greater positive effect? Simply responding to negative reviews or comments. Responding in a kind, professional, empathetic, and classy manner can elevate your business more so than any advertisement can (it’s called organic growth). Consumers are not stupid they know advertisements are meant to deceive or lure them toward your products or services. However, when a prospective buyer reads directly how you interact with existing customers, that gives them a real insight into how much substance and integrity your organization has.

Watch What Your Competitors Are Doing

Are you currently dissatisfied with how many website visits you accrue monthly? That’s probably because you’re marketing yourself in an inferior manner to your competitors. What hashtags and social media groups are posts attached to? Are competitors enjoying the benefits of their own customers posting about their products and services? Why are your customers not posting things about your organization? According to HubSppot, consumers are 71% more likely to make a purchase based on social referrals. Do your competitors offer social media incentives? Why aren’t you offering incentives to motivate consumers to post about your business? If your customers are already doing this, and you have a high Google star rating, why aren’t you converting more website visitors? The economy has slowed significantly recently, perhaps your prices are too high relative to the times. Having others talk about you online or offering lower prices can significantly raise your status. Remember, having status means you have greater notoriety over other organizations, like your competitors, and that’s exactly what you want!


Review all your social media posts on all platforms and see which ones had the greatest success and why. Knowing this information is going to give you the most ROI for all social media processes. Thankfully, you can track the performance of your social media efforts with iReview, a reputation management system that displays web analytics on one centralized dashboard. From Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and Google reviews, to anywhere on the web imaginable, you’ll know everything that’s being said about your business and see how many views your posts are getting. iReview empowers business owners to manage and review negativity, reward happy customers, and double down on posts that work well (like those that go viral). Right now, your organization is having meetings trying to remember which posts worked and which didn’t. Perhaps the support team missed replying to one negative 1-star review, and that’s going to hurt your business significantly. With iReview, nothing falls through the cracks, it’s time to take social media seriously, conduct yourself professionally in this field, use iReview, and experience an improved reputation and status over others.




Written by iReview

iReview is an online rating, review & reputation management company that helps companies get more, quality reviews to help attract more customers.

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